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Fri, May 28th, 2010, @4:00pm - 06:00PM
Shot Clinic: Transgender Health Project
Trans Friendly Provider Directory
Scroll to bottom, select category, then select individual name for detailed information.

Most recent Provider Directory update on: May 11, 2010.

If you have had an experience (positive or negative) with one of the health care professionals in our directory and would like to share it with MTHC, please contact us.

In January 2006 we mailed a letter to 65 individual health care providers around the Twin Cities who were known to be trans-friendly, asking them to join our trans-friendly provider directory. Those who responded were included in the launch of this directory. We continually do outreach to health professionals to increase the size of the directory, and we add new providers and update this information regularly.

Each of the providers listed on this website signed on to the following statement:
"I would like my name to be listed in the Minnesota Transgender Health Coalition roster of trans-friendly providers. I understand that by signing this I give permission for my name and provider information to be distributed to the Twin Cities transgender community via website, listservs, and in print. I also understand that by signing this I am stating that I am personally and professionally supportive and informed of transsexuality and other transgender issues and committed to providing services with no discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, age, appearance, or mental health history."

If you are a health care provider in Minnesota or one of our neighboring states who is interested in joining the directory, or know someone who would like to join, please print, complete and mail our New Provider Form.

Please note that inclusion in this guide does not mean endorsement by the Minnesota Transgender Health Coalition or its members. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of service you received, we may be able to help you explore your options for filing a complaint.

If a provider is not listed here, it does not mean that they are transphobic. We may have missed them in our outreach efforts, or they may have been too busy to answer our invitation. We will be continuously updating this directory, and welcome new providers offering trans-friendly health services.

Inclusion here does not guarantee that the provider is completely knowledgeable or competent in all matters of transgender-related health care, but means simply that they signed a statement that they are "personally and professionally supportive and informed of transsexuality and other transgender issues" as stated above. The MN Transgender Health Coalition is constantly working to improve the trans health related education of all Minnesota health care professionals, including and especially those listed here.

We do not do background checks on the health care providers listed here and therefore can make no representation about their licensing, accreditation, or other professional qualifications. You may wish to check such information with the state or county medical society that serves the area where the provider practices.

Our provider directory listings are only for personal use. They may not be used for soliciting, marketing, or canvassing purposes.

No one has paid a fee to participate in our provider directory, and we do not receive any payment from practitioners who are listed.

Providers within Transgender Specific Clinics (6/- )

Mental Health Professionals (32/- )

Internal Medicine Physicians (3/- )

Endocrinologists (1/- )

Surgeons (4/- )

Family Practice Physicians (10/- )

OB/GYN Physicians (6/- )

Certified Nurse Midwives (1/- )

Dermatologists (1/- )

Chiropractors (5/- )

Acupuncturists (2/- )

Massage Therapists (6/- )

Dentists (1/- )

Podiatrists (1/- )

Voice Rehabilitation Professionals (1/- )

Electrolysis (3/- )

Pharmacies (3/- )

Hair Restoration / Replacement (2/- )

Addiction Recovery Specialists (1/- )

Needle Exchange, Shot Clinic (1/- )

Meditation Instructors (1/- )

Yoga Instructors (1/- )

Case Managers (1/- )

Thermography (1/- )

Nurse Practitioners (1/- )

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